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International Space Station Status Report #46/2006

Written by Rainer Gerhards on 2006-10-23 at 23:59.

Diese Seite enthält Orginal-Meldungen der NASA in englischer Sprache. Sie dient der Archivierung der entsprechenden Meldungen. Für eine Übersetzung fehlt mir leider die Zeit.

Report #46
9 a.m. CDT, Monday, Oct. 23, 2006
Mission Control Center, Houston

A shipment of supplies began its journey to the International Space Station today as the ISS Progress 23 cargo ship was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

The new resupply ship, the 23rd Progress to visit the station, lifted off at 8:41 a.m. CDT (7:41 p.m. Baikonur time). Less than 10 minutes later, the cargo ship reached orbit, and its solar arrays and navigational antennas were deployed for the three-day trip to the orbital outpost.

Two pre-programmed firings of the Progress’ main engine are scheduled today to fine-tune the ship’s path to the space station. Additional rendezvous maneuvers are planned over the next three days.

When the Progress launched, Expedition 14 Commander Mike Lopez-Alegria and Flight Engineers Mikhail Tyurin and Thomas Reiter were flying 220 miles over southern Russia north of the Mongolian border.

Carrying almost 2.5 tons of food, water, fuel, oxygen, air, spare parts and other supplies, the Progress is scheduled to automatically dock to the aft port of the Zvezda Service Module at 9:28 a.m. CDT Thursday. NASA TV coverage of the docking will begin Thursday at 9 a.m. CDT.

The ISS Progress 22 craft, which arrived in June, remains docked to the Pirs Docking Compartment. That Progress will be used to stow trash and supply oxygen to replenish the station's atmosphere when required. The spacecraft won’t be discarded until mid-January.

For more about the crew's activities and station sighting opportunities, visit:

The next station status report will be issued on Thursday, Oct. 26, after the ISS Progress 23 docking, or earlier if events warrant.


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