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The Clouds - October 2007

Written by Rainer Gerhards on 23.12.2007 at 11:58 Uhr.

This is the cloud animation for October 2007. Find more animations and information on "The Clouds" homepage.

There is also a high resolution version of the animation available. It shows much more detail.

This is part of the "The Clouds" project. It brings monthly animations of earth's cloud circulations. Animations are created from public available weather satellite images. The aim of "The Clouds" is to provide a better understanding of atmospheric circulation, seasonal effects and physics involved. It shall inspire people to think about our homeworld. And, of course, "The Clouds" shall also showcase the beauty of our earth.

Copyright © 2007 Rainer Gerhards
Satellite Images: Copyright © 2007 EUMETSAT Animation: Rainer Gerhards
Last Updated: 2007-12-23

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